Club News

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DPIC 2023

On Monday 23rd October members had the opportunity to view the WCPF Inter Club Digital Projected Images Competition for this year. It was held at the Corn Exchange, Exeter, in February. Forty eight clubs from all corners of our Federation competed and some very good images were entered.
Each image was shown to the three Judges who marked between 2 - 5 making a possible total of 15 points.
The marking was very close this year with Dorchester coming first with a total of 217 points, closely followed by Bristol Photographic with 212 and Truro third with 207 points.
The best small club award went to Wincanton Camera Club with 207 points.
Members were encouraged to try their hand at marking as the images were projected to see if they could agree with the Judges.
Everyone agreed this had been another very enjoyable club night.