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WCPF Members Exhibition 2019

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'The Old Pier' by Sue Mortimer

We held the second face to face meeting of the new season on Monday 25th October when we had the opportunity to view the WCPF Members Exhibition 2019, which was postponed from last year due to the pandemic.
Some 237 Prints and 371 PDI's were projected accompanied by background music. The exhibition was divided into seven categories, three for Prints and four for the PDI's.
The standard of work from the Clubs in our Federation is very high and we were pleased to be represented with 6 acceptances including a Judges Choice PAGB Ribbon for Sue Mortimer in the Monochrome category, for a dramatic image of the Old Pier, Swanage.
Everyone agreed this had been another inspirational evening of photography.
Our next meeting on the 8th November will be the first competition of the season and the subject is 'Open Monochrome'.