Constitution & Rules
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- The Club shall be known as the MINEHEAD & DISTRICT CAMERA CLUB, and shall have as its object the promotion and enjoyment of all aspects of traditional and digital photography.
The Club is keen to encourage young people to be involved in all its activities and as such has incorporated the following statement: -In line with the Home Office Code of Practice for safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults (PCVA) the Club acknowledges its Duty of Care, and is mindful of social concerns regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults whilst attending meetings and events organized by the Club.
- The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a committee of President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Competition Secretary, Web Master and two other members, one to be a lady. The Committee may co-opt members and may appoint sub-committees which may include any other full members.
- There shall be the following classes of members:
(a) Full Members
Application for membership shall be approved by the Committee.
(b) Junior Members (age 16 - 18 years)
(c) Children under the age of 16, who must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian jointly as a Full Membership subscription and who will have no voting rights.
(d) Associate Members, who shall take no part in Competitions of the Club, or have voting rights.
(e) Honorary Life Members, who shall only be elected at an Annual General Meeting
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Committee not later than the 28th day of February of each year, and at least fourteen days notice shall be given to all members. Officers and the Committee shall be full members of at least twelve months standing, and shall be nominated and elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a minimum term of one year. A quorum of seven Full Members to be present at the meeting.
- The financial year shall be the calendar year. Annual subscriptions shall become due on 1st January, payable by the AGM or on election to membership and shall be for: -
(a) Full Members, £25
Members joining after the half year may be admitted at half rate. Members whose subscriptions are in arrears at 31st March shall forfeit all rights in the Club. Visitors attending three consecutive club meetings shall be invited to apply for membership of the Club.
(b) Junior Members (age 16 -18 years), £20
(c) Children under 16 and accompanied by Parent or Guardian jointly as a Full Membership, £25
(d) Associate Members, £20
- The Treasurer is empowered to use the funds of the Club to meet its normal running expenses, but large and extraordinary items shall be referred to the Committee.
- The Programme Secretary shall have the active support of the Committee in drawing up an Annual Syllabus of Lecturers and Demonstrations.
- Property belonging to the Club shall be in the care of the Committee and the elected Equipment Officers. The Club shall maintain reasonable insurance on the aforementioned property. Members may hire the Club screen and projector stand at a nominal sum of £5 per item when not required by the Club for its own meetings. Any member hiring Club property shall do so at his/her own risk and shall make good any deficiency or damage to the satisfaction of the Committee.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened for specified business by signed requisition of not less than five Members. All Members shall be given at least fourteen days notice of such a meeting, stating the nature of the business and no other business shall be transacted other than that for which the meeting was called.
- Alteration to these Rules may be made only at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting under Rule 9 above.
- A copy of these Rules shall be supplied to every Member and new Members shall receive a copy on election.
Revised 20th January 2020