Club News

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Third Competition of the Season

Members came together for the 3rd competition of the season on Monday 19th February. This time the theme was 'Entrances and Doorways' and provided a wide interpretation of the subject. To judge this for us we had asked John Gamblin from Bridgwater.
John is Chairman of Phoenix Group of Photographers, Taunton as well as a member of Bridgwater Photographic Society.
He had previously spent time looking at our work and was therefore able to give detailed, helpful comments on each image presented.
These were delivered with a touch of humour which made for a relaxed atmosphere and good interaction with the audience. He said it had been a very difficult task to find the award winners as the standard of work was very good indeed. He went on to say that it was a matter of personal taste that decided the winners.
Everyone agreed that it had been another interesting and enjoyable competition night.
The Winners can be found on the Competitions page.