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Madagascar: The Eighth Continent

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The Iconic Lemur

The Club met on Monday 29th November to welcome two new speakers, paying their first visit to Minehead.
Duncan and Deborah Armour from the Taunton Camera Club, presented their illustrated talk on Madagascar to an enthusiastic audience of members and guests. Duncan and Deborah who are passionate about wildlife, landscape and nature commenced the evening with an introduction to the evolution of the Island and it's recent history. We were told that it is the fourth largest in the World, could be divided into two regions, the east was lush rainforests and the west very hot and arid. This climate change was reflected in the differing species shown and how they had adapted to their own habitats.
The indigenous people, like the Merina are farmers who cultivate rice, fruits and vegetables on the high ground while the Vezo people are fishermen and live close to the coast. In all the tribes Taboo's and Superstitions are still present today.
The Island is home to so many unique animals, birds and plants too numerous to mention here. We were treated to many wonderful images of the fauna and flora and of course the iconic Lemurs.
Duncan's talk was inter-dispersed with many of the local sayings and some local animal sound effects, which caused amusement amongst the audience.
Everyone was captivated by the images from these talented photographers, and combined with Duncan's knowledge of the subject, made for another memorable evening at the Club.