Club News

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Second Competition of 2016/17 Season

Monday 9th January members re-grouped for the first meeting of the New Year. This was to be the live Judging of the second competition of the season, a set subject themed, "Street Scene."
Images ranged from night shots of bustling Tokyo, city streets of Hong Kong, Paris and Dresden, to the crowded Piazza's of Venice and back home to the snow covered Parade and misty night shot of the Sea Front Prom in Minehead.
Our Judge for the evening was a long time friend of the Club, Mike Birbeck, whose off the cuff style of appraisal of the work is both constructive and intriguing, as we never quite know what to expect.
Following the break, Mike's Wife Gillian, presented a short talk demonstrating, with her own prints, how to achieve the coveted Associate Distinction of the RPS. This was followed by Mike showing some of his large Portraits which he had taken in his home studio. Explaining how by spending time with his sitter before the shoot, he was able to bring out something of their personality in this final images.
Everybody had learnt a lot from the evening and hoped that Mike and Gillian would return again in the future.
The Winners can be found on the Competitions page.